Dyno Locks & Alarms Dublin

Discover the Top Ten Locks That Push the Limits of Pickability!


Medeco Maxum

Recognized as one of the most formidable Door locks on the market, the Medeco Maxum features a unique pin-tumbler design, making it incredibly challenging to pick. Its rotating pins and side-bars provide enhanced resistance against traditional lock-picking tools. 


Abloy  Protec2

The Abloy Protec2 employs a patented disc-detainer system, consisting of rotating discs instead of traditional pins. This design makes it exceptionally resistant to picking attempts due to the high number of possible combinations. 


Mul-T-Lock MT5+

The Mul-T-Lock MT5+ combines advanced pin and sidebar mechanisms, making it incredibly difficult to pick or manipulate. Its innovative telescopic pin technology adds an extra layer of security. 



The EVVA MCS lock utilizes a unique magnetic code system, making it highly resistant to traditional lock-picking methods. Its intricate design and precision engineering provide an exceptional level of security. 


BiLock Exclusive

The BiLock Exclusive features a patented 12-pin tumbler system that provides a staggering number of possible key combinations. This lock is renowned for its pick resistance and versatility. 


Assa Twin Combi

The Assa Twin Combi employs a complex pin-tumbler system combined with a sidebar mechanism, offering exceptional protection against lock picking. Its innovative design and patented features make it highly secure. 


Schlage  Primu

The Schlage Primus lock utilizes a dual-locking mechanism with a unique sidebar design, offering exceptional resistance to picking attempts. Its patented key control system adds an extra layer of security. 


Kwikset SmartKey

The Kwikset SmartKey employs a unique side-bar locking system that prevents traditional picking methods. This lock is renowned for its pick resistance and ease of rekeying. 


DOM IX TwinStar

The DOM IX TwinStar features a complex pin-tumbler system with mushroom-shaped security pins, making it extremely difficult to pick. Its anti-pick design ensures maximum security. 


CISA  Astral S

The CISA Astral S incorporates advanced technology, including a patented anti-pick and anti-bump system. Its precision-engineered components and superior build quality make it an excellent choice for high-security applications.