Lock Installation & Repairs Dublin, Ireland
FACT: 1 in 5 burglaries occur as a result of a window or door not being secure. Some doors can be opened within seconds by an opportunist burglar. Dyno-Locksmiths can advise you of the best door protection to suit you, your budget, and insurance company requirements. In fact, Dyno-Locks provide a host of other emergency locksmith services as well. Call our locksmiths in Dublin now for any assistance.
External Doors
All outside doors should be fitted with good quality locks. 5 lever locks provide the best protection against any type of forced entry. Mortise and sash locks provide the best protection against all forms of forced entry including picking, drilling and hacksaw.
Sliding Patio Doors
Patio Doors are a favorite point of entry for burglars and provide the ideal escape route for the removal of possessions, particularly bulkier items that cannot easily be handed out through a window. To prevent this happening, the opening section of sliding patio doors can be secured with patio door bolts at the top and bottom. Our locksmiths are professionals and can easily help you with this.
Back/Side Doors
Having good quality locks and bolts installed in a weak door may not be advisable. Your Dyno-Locksmith can advise whether your doors and frames will carry them. For example, some mortise security bolts can be fitted at the top and bottom of the door and can only be operated from the inside. So, take advice from our locksmiths any time, as we are available 24 hours a day!
For 24 hour emergency locksmith service, Call Dyno Secure on +353 86222 0 222
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Door Viewers/Security Chains
You can also improve the security of your external doors at little extra cost by having security chains or similar types of door restrainers fitted – this stops the “foot-in-the-door” attack. You can identify your visitor before opening the door by having a door viewer installed.
Having Windows Secured
A high percentage of all break-ins are through windows at ground floor level.
Burglars often find them an easy way to get in, e.g. by tripping the catch from the outside with a knife blade, or by removing enough glass to reach and release the window catch. Windows left open provide the easiest entry of all for the thief.
All accessible windows should be fitted with key-operated window locks. Whilst ground floor windows are the most commonly used points of entry, windows on upper floors accessible from flat roofs or drainpipes should not be neglected. Having window locks fitted is not that expensive and there is a wide range for every type of window to choose from including wood, and those with metal, aluminum or UPVC frames. Your Dyno-Locksmith can advise on the most suitable locks to suit your needs. Therefore, get in touch with locksmiths in Dublin now!
Checking Your Premises Security
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