Safe Locks: What to look for in a lock: A blog post about what to look for in locks and why Dynolocks are the best.

what to look for in locks
what to look for in locks

In the world of locks, there are keyless locks that you can open by using a personal pin code or your fingerprint, and those that require a key to open. There are also locks that offer some degree of physical resistance to picking by using a variety of mechanisms such as metal pins on the lock’s shear line, pins made from high-carbon steel, and cylinder shapes with grooves. However, it is important not to confuse high-security with high-protection, as a lock with.

Dynolocks is a family-owned company in the locksmith industry with an enormous passion for customer satisfaction. This blog post will guide you through what to look for in a lock and why Dynolocks are the best.

The right lock can be the difference between your home being broken into or you feeling safe and secure in your home. It’s important to know how to tell the difference between a subpar lock and an excellent one. It’s important to choose a lock that is not only easy to use, but one that is secure and will keep your house safe. There are a few things you should consider when choosing a lock: How long it would take someone with the right skill set to break into the lock, how much noise the lock makes while being opened, and what level of protection it offers.

Install A Smart Lock.

Locks come in all shapes and sizes. The two most common types of locks are the standard lock and the keyless lock. A standard lock requires a key to open it, while a keyless lock requires a code to open it. The latest locks on the market are smart locks that can be opened with your phone. The global smart lock market is expected to grow at a lower CAGR of 2.8% during the forecast period. The key factor driving the growth of this global market is increased awareness about cyber security among consumers.

There are so many latest and smart locks in the market. These new models of locks offer a lot more than an ordinary lock. They come with features like fingerprint identification, keypad, retina scan, etc. Along with this, these locks can be controlled remotely through a mobile phone or any other device. The user also has the power to share his passwords with others and control their access to doors too.

The keys are still playing an important role in protecting our homes and businesses. But the trend is changing with the introduction of new locks. Now it’s about installing locks that are smart, i.e., have sensors to detect movement and can be opened remotely via phone, tablet or computer. Dynolocks locksmiths in Dublin are experts in high-security locks and the latest technologies. They will advise you on what lock is best suited for your needs.

Dynolocks Smart Door Locks Features :

Get back home without keys

The door unlocks when you’re near.

Never worry if you locked the door

It locks automatically.

Unlock from wherever you are

Open to family, rental guests, or services.

Share “digital keys” to your place

Permanently, periodically – or just once.

Forget about access cards

Manage access to your business with an app.

blog top how smart home

How Smart Lock Works at Your Home, Business, and Short-Term Rental

Unsure if a smart might work for you? See the real-life examples of how it opens new ways to access your place.

Open for comfort: smart keyless door lock to your home.

Return hands-free

Coming back home with groceries becomes a seamless walk-in. Automatic unlock with pull-spring feature opens the door as if you pushed the handle. No more looking for keys!

Unlock wherever you are

When somebody comes to water your plants, borrow a book or deliver a package, you can unlock the door from wherever you are. Yes, it will lock by itself after they leave.

Know who’s home

Don’t worry – you’ll get a push notification when your child comes back from school. Real-time alerts and history give you full access to the flow of people in your home.

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Battery-powered mechanism mounted on the inside of your door. Charge as little as every 14 months, when used up to 8 times per day. Locks and unlocks with a button or click on the app. Connects to tedee bridge for remote features and integration with smart home systems. Requires a dedicated cylinder or adapter for your lock type.

Trigger smart home routines

Turn lights on when your enter. Stop the music when you leave. As a part of your smart home, the lock becomes a trigger for all kinds of automated scenes.

Open with voice command or smartwatch

You don’t need to rush to the door or wash your hands in the middle of cooking. Tell Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant to open the door to visitors while you get ready. You can tap the widget on your smartwatch, too.

Let services in

Just once or every Tuesday morning, make your home available for cleaning services or maintenance. You can share access to your home on a one-time, periodical and permanent basis.

Discard work keys

Your employees use smartphones anyway. With smart locks, these are excellent replacements for work keys and access cards.

Manage from desktop

Maintaining multiple smart locks, employee accesses, and even organizations still is convenient, thanks to a dedicated business interface.

Control precisely

You can grant access to a single door or a whole building, permanent or just 9-to-5, Monday to Friday. A complete history of events is always available, too.

Share the administration

There are three levels of access to a smart lock: owner, administrator, and guest. This way, you can grant control over access to your office manager, IT service, or security team.

Pay once

Access to the tedee business portal is free. This way, running access management at your company costs just as much as smart locks.

Customize your setup

Public cloud-based API gives your developer a chance to integrate smart locks into diverse professional solutions: from hotels through residential buildings to head offices.